
Moray East is proud to be supporting the communities around our Fraserburgh base in the northeast of Scotland and contributing to a broad range of skills development and community development projects. The long-term relationships with businesses, community groups and education institutions around our Fraserburgh base are aligned to enhance the direct employment and supply chain benefits that flow from the project.

Skills Development

Moray East is committed to engage, support, and fund education programmes for skills development. In partnership with several nationally recognised skills organisations, the team is promoting interest in STEM subjects and the varied career opportunities available in the offshore wind sector.


In secondary schools, a partnership with SSERC serves to deliver a comprehensive STEM programme that fully aligns with relevant public sector strategies.

Part of the partnership is aimed at growing and deploying STEM Ambassadors to schools.

Additionally, the STEM programme funds:

  • Wind turbine kits for use in schools’ science experiments.
  • Several schools’ careers events, including visits to the Fraserburgh base.
  • Turriff Academy has benefitted from a comprehensive set of resources to enter the prestigious ‘F1 in Schools’ racing programme.
  • Funding the continuation of the former ‘Nuffield Research Placement Programme’ to allow 16-year-olds from Scottish schools a unique work placement experience.

Promoting pathways to offshore wind

In an evolving skills landscape, the team is working with multiple stakeholders to ensure the necessary actions are taking place to ensure the right numbers of people with the right skills and qualifications are available at the right time for this rapidly growing sector. Moray East is an active contributor through our work with skills working groups including - OWIC (Offshore Wind Industry Council), Scottish level - SOWEC (Scottish Offshore Wind Council) and regional - UHI (University of Highlands & Islands), and Energy Transition Zone.

Through collaboration with these and other organisations, the team is able to bring its operational experience to discussions on future skills needs and channel resources to where they are needed. By supporting pathways through schools, colleges, universities and career transitions – Moray East is making a vital contribution to ensuring the employment opportunities in the sector are realised.


There are active links with several universities across Scotland to support undergraduate and graduate programmes. These include a funded PhD programme, guest lectures, scholarships (see below) and curriculum development.


There is an annual award of up to £12,000 for young applicants from the north and east of Scotland who are about to start undergraduate courses relevant to the offshore wind sector. This fund is publicised through the Blackbullion portal.

Armed Forces Covenant


Moray East recognises the value of our Armed Forces and Ocean Winds currently has silver award of the Employer Recognition Scheme. There are great opportunities to support transition out of the armed forces into new careers, as well as wider support for the armed forces community.

Community Projects

Working closely with Aberdeenshire Council, Moray East has been able to support some fantastic local programmes including enhancing the well-known Lighthouse Museum in Fraserburgh and the facilities at the RNLI’s Fraserburgh base.